This page will help you understand the supports available for parents and carers of a child with an illness or injury.
Parent & Family Carer Supports and Information…
Caring for a sick child at hospital or at home can be very stressful for parents. The sections below provide advice on
who can provide support and information and a range of other useful information.
Finding Support: Who can help parent and carers…
Hospital and community care professionals
Carer Support Organisations
Supports are available regardless of whether your child is in hospital for the first time, is receiving long term care in hospital or at home,
or you are caring for your child full time, or caring and working.
Family Carers Ireland || Freephone Careline- 1800 240724
Family Carers Ireland provides information and supports to anyone caring for a child or adult with additional needs, physical or intellectual disabilities, those with palliative care needs or those living with chronic illnesses, mental health challenges or addiction
Care Alliance || 01 874 7776
Care Alliance provides an online support group for family carers through Ireland. They also provide return to work training and useful information for family carers.
Care Alliance – Facebook Support Group || 01 874 7776
The Online Family Carer Support Group offers support to nearly 4,000 carers for children and adults all over Ireland
Condition Specific Supports for Parents
Search our Database to see if there is a condition specific support organisation that provides supports or peer support to parents.
Many parents also connect to other parents with similar experiences on Facebook and other social media support groups. Many of these groups can be found using the search feature on Facebook or Instagram etc.
Managing employment when your child is sick
When a child is hospitalised, paid employment for parents is often impacted. This could include requesting time off or a
leave from work, bringing your child to appointments during work hours and needing some extra flexibility and
support to allow you to care for your child.
Keep reading for tips and information on government benefits for parents in paid employment that might
assist you in managing your paid employment while caring for a sick child.
Government Entitlements for parents who are working
Planning for the future
We have compiled a selection of useful information and resources that might help you start to plan for your child’s future.
This includes information to help you prepare for your child to move to adult healthcare services, preparing for further education for your child, and financial planning for the future.
Getting ready to move to adult healthcare services
As your child approaches 16 you should start to prepare both yourself and your child for moving to adult healthcare services. The age your child actually moves to adult services, planning for the move and your child’s new care service may differ
depending on their medical condition and hospital.
SteppingUp provides information, checklists, personal stories and more, to help young people and their families prepare to move to adult healthcare services.
Education pathways and supports
The organisations below provide information and advice to help you understand the options and supports available for children with a disability or long term illness. These may include alternative further education and third-level education pathways, employment supports and options and training schemes.
AHEAD – Further Education and Employment Information || 01 592 1467
Ahead provides information and advice for young people with disabilities or long term illness, and parents, about accessing further education and employment.
Finances for the future
Planning for you and your child’s future financial security can be a daunting and confusing task. Certain benefits and entitlements will change or require a new application when your child turns 16, you should consider creating a will and should think about the options available for saving for your child’s future.
The resources below may help you start to plan for you and your child’s financial future.
Useful resources
DCA, DA & Carer’s Allowance Information Group
DCA, DA and Carer's Allowance Information group is a very active parent group with members sharing advice based on their experiences applying for a range of government supports
Family Carers Ireland || Freephone Careline- 1800 240724
Family Carers Ireland provides information and supports to anyone caring for a child or adult with additional needs, physical or intellectual disabilities, those with palliative care needs or those living with chronic illnesses, mental health challenges or addiction
Financial Wellbeing – Special Needs Trust Planning || 021 4823635
Financial Wellbeing advises on the many positive steps parents can take to significantly improve their child who has additional needs future financial independence.