This page provides information about support for patients such as advice on preparing your child for procedures and signposting to recreation, activities, wish-granting and condition specific patient supports.

Supporting your child…

Preparing and supporting your child

It’s important to prepare your child for going to hospital or having procedures. Visit the information pages below to find
information and tools to help.

Useful resources and information

See below for a listing of useful resources to help you prepare your child for hospital and procedures. 


Widgit/Symbol Flashcards and Booklets – Hospital admissions, appointments and procedures

Download Resource Packs provides a section with free symbol/widget based flashcards and booklets to help prepare children with additional needs for hospital appointments, procedures or staying in hospital. Please note this resource is from a UK website.


Preparing a child with a learning disability for hospital – video

Preparing a child with a learning disability for hospital

This video shows interviews with parents of children with a learning disability. The parents share experiences and different ways they prepare their child for going to hospital, the doctor, the dentist or the optometrist. Please note this is resource is from a UK website.


Child friendly videos and information about hospital tests and procedures

This website provides lots of resources about going to hospitals, procedures and equipment. You can use the videos, information sheets and other resources to help you prepare your child and know what to expect before a procedure, appointment or hospital admission.

Activities and camps

See below for a listing of activity, wish-granting and wellbeing supports for your child. Click on each resource for details about
who is eligible and how to apply.


Helium Arts || 044 939 6960

Helium Arts is the national children’s arts and health charity. They provide free creative art workshops in community venues throughout Ireland, as well as online and in hospitals for children and young people aged 6-15 years living with lifelong physical health conditions that require ongoing medical support. Examples of conditions include diabetes, epilepsy, cystic fibrosis, allergies, heart conditions, chronic asthma, spina bifida, juvenile arthritis, rare or complex conditions and many more.

Condition or diagnosis specific supports and activities

Many support organisations provide supports and activities for children with a specific condition. Condition specific supports available might include recreational activities, peer support programs, counselling or play-therapy and more.

Search our database of Irish support organisations to find condition specific supports for your child.