Rare Ireland What Comes After A Diagnosis
Advice and personal stories from parents of children with a rare diagnosis
Rare Ireland What Comes After A Diagnosis
Advice and personal stories from parents of children with a rare diagnosis
facebook.com/swan.ireland.77 |syndromeswithoutanameireland@gmail.com
SWAN Ireland is a new Irish support group, specifically dedicated for people who have a syndrome with no known diagnosis, and their families, living in Ireland.
The Rare Diseases Ireland website has useful information about rare diseases, undiagnosed conditions, clinical trials and and how to connect with patient organisations in Ireland and abroad
hse.ie/NRDO | rare.diseases@mater.ie| tel:01 854 5065
The National Rare Diseases Office (NRDO) provides current and reliable information about genetic and rare diseases to patients, families and health professionals.
rareireland.ie | rareireland@gmail.com
A charity supporting families living with a rare condition.