abiireland.ie | hello@abiireland.ie | 01 280 4164
Acquired Brain Injury Ireland provide a range of expert clinical services and supports specific to the needs of each person with a brain injury.
abiireland.ie | hello@abiireland.ie | 01 280 4164
Acquired Brain Injury Ireland provide a range of expert clinical services and supports specific to the needs of each person with a brain injury.
dravetsyndromeireland.org | info@dravetsyndromeireland.org
Dravet Syndrome Ireland provides support and information to families affected by Dravet Syndrome, and other severe genetic epilepsies, in Ireland.
https://migraine.ie | info@migraine.ie| 01 894 1280
The Migraine Association of Ireland provides support, education, information and reassurance to people suffering from migraine and other headache disorders.
https://spinab.ie | Contact Us
This is the website for the Spina Bifida program and team at Temple Street Hospital.
https://www.spinabifida.ie | info@spinabifida.ie| 061 439990
The Mid West Spina Bifida Association is a voluntary organisation providing supports and services to people with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, and their families, in Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary .
dystonia.ie | info@dystonia.ie | 01 492 2514
Dystonia Ireland provides information and support to people living with Dystonia and their families.
cranncentre.ie | info@cranncentre.ie | 021 428 9267
Crann provides solutions for children, adults & families living with neuro-physical disabilities who live in Munster at their centre in Co. Cork.
sbhi.ie | info@sbhi.ie| 01 457 2329
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland provides information, support, respite and recreation for people living with spina bifida or hydrocephalus and their families.
mdi.ie | info@mdi.ie| 01 623 6414
MDI provides support for people and their families who are living with muscular dystrophy and related neuromuscular conditions.
epilepsy.ie | info@epilepsy.ie| 01 455 7500
Epilepsy Ireland provides a wide range of supports and services to people living with Epilepsy, and their families.
https://www.nfaireland.ie | info@nfaireland.ie| 085 702 0024
The Neurofibromatosis Association of Ireland provides information and supports for patients diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis and their families.
huntingtons.ie | info@huntingtons.ie | 01 872 1303
The Huntington’s Disease Association of Ireland provides information, support and advocacy to people impacted by Huntington's Disease and Juvenile onset Huntington’s Disease.
braintumourireland.com | info@braintumourireland.com| 085 721 9000
Brain Tumour Ireland provides information and support to people affected by a brain tumour, as well as to their families.
smaireland.com | info@smaireland.com
SMA Ireland represents people and families in Ireland affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy. It is a registered charity dedicated to raising awareness of Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Ireland and campaigning for access to treatment for all.