Children in Hospital Ireland Information Hub

Resource Type

The Information Hub for Children in Hospital Ireland

Resource Type

Widgit/Symbol Flashcards and Booklets – Hospital admissions, appointments and procedures


Download Resource Packs provides a section with free symbol/widget based flashcards and booklets to help prepare children with additional needs for hospital appointments, procedures or staying in hospital. Please note this resource is from a UK website.

Preparing a child with a learning disability for hospital – video


Preparing a child with a learning disability for hospital

This video shows interviews with parents of children with a learning disability. The parents share experiences and different ways they prepare their child for going to hospital, the doctor, the dentist or the optometrist. Please note this is resource is from a UK website.

Child friendly videos and information about hospital tests and procedures


This website provides lots of resources about going to hospitals, procedures and equipment. You can use the videos, information sheets and other resources to help you prepare your child and know what to expect before a procedure, appointment or hospital admission.

Helium Arts

2023-10-24T12:14:05+00:00 || 044 939 6960

Helium Arts is the national children’s arts and health charity. They provide free creative art workshops in community venues throughout Ireland, as well as online and in hospitals for children and young people aged 6-15 years living with lifelong physical health conditions that require ongoing medical support. Examples of conditions include diabetes, epilepsy, cystic fibrosis, allergies, heart conditions, chronic asthma, spina bifida, juvenile arthritis, rare or complex conditions and many more.

Every Life Counts – Online Outreach for parents

2023-10-18T09:18:50+00:00 || 01 879 2382

Every Life Counts is an organisation that supports families whose babies were diagnosed with a life limiting condition before and after birth. They provide a variety of supports, information and resources to families affected by a poor diagnosis in pregnancy.

Aoibheann’s Pink Tie National Children’s Cancer Charity

2024-10-24T14:22:13+00:00 | Contact form | 01 2401332

Aoibheann’s Pink Tie provides practical, social, and financial supports to children diagnosed with cancer, and their families, in Ireland. Aoibheann's Lighthouse is a respite home for families of children with cancer. It is located a short stroll from Crumlin Hospital and provides a home from home to families looking for a short or longer stay.

Fidelma House – Leukaemia Unit Mercy Hospital Cork

2024-12-09T10:35:36+00:00 | | 021 494 9801

Fidelma House is a holistic home-from-home accommodation, in close proximity to the Mercy University Hospital Cork, which the Children’s Leukaemia Association can offer to families, particularly those who have to travel long distances, while their child is being cared for in the Children’s Leukaemia Unit.

Bru Columbanus – Cork Hospitals

2023-10-02T06:09:44+00:00 | | 021 434 5754

Brú Columbanus provides a ‘home from home’ accommodation for the relatives of seriously ill patients in Cork Hospitals and the Hospice, in particular to relatives of sick children. Brú Columbanus is an independent charity completely reliant on donations and fundraising initiatives to cover the running costs of the house. The accommodation is provided free of charge

Family Carers – Young Carers – Sibling Supports

2023-10-26T06:37:53+00:00 || Freephone Careline- 1800 240724

Family Carers Ireland provides a range of support to help Siblings/Young Carers and Young Adult Carers look after themselves, these include: Individual and Family Support, Young Carer Support Groups, National Events, Free Young Carer Card, Young Carers in Education

LauraLynn Ireland

2023-10-27T11:52:02+00:00 || 01 2893151

LauraLynn provides specialist palliative and supportive care services to meet the needs of children (0-18 years old) with life-limiting conditions and their families in Ireland. LauraLynn provides care for the child while also supporting the whole family with targeted supports available to siblings, parents, grandparents and more. Care can be delivered at the hospice building in Dublin or in the family home with the Care in the Community Team providing care and supports in children’s homes across Leinster, Cork, Kerry and Limerick.

Jack and Jill The Childrens Foundation

2023-09-28T09:19:42+00:00 || 045 894 538

Jack and Jill provides in-home nursing care and respite support throughout Ireland for children up to the age of 6 with severe to profound neurodevelopmental delay. This may include children with brain injury, genetic diagnosis, cerebral palsy, and undiagnosed conditions. Another key part of their service is end of life care for all children up to the age of 6, irrespective of diagnosis.

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Ireland

2023-06-07T05:15:33+00:00 || 083 377 4777

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep provides free photography services for babies who will never have the opportunity to have professional photography i.e. babies who were stillborn, have died in the early days after birth, have never left the hospital, or who are sent home or to a hospice.

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